Så får du dina åsikter värderade på arbetsplatsen

Publicerad: 2024-07-10

Harrison Assessments forskning visar att det är viktigt för de flesta medarbetare att deras åsikter värderas. Att lyssna och visa respekt för andras åsikter är viktigt, men det är också nödvändigt att de som vill att deras åsikter ska värderas lär sig hur man gör dem värdefulla.

Läs mer nedan linkedininlägget från Dan Harrison Vd och grundare av Harrison Assessments

1. How to Get Your Opinions Valued in the Workplace:

Our research into individual employee career goals and expectations reveals that having opinions valued has high importance to most employees. While it’s important that we listen to other’s views and respond with respect, it’s crucial that the person who wants their opinions valued learn some basic steps for making their opinions valuable.

Why Making Your Opinions Valuable Matters

It’s a crucial part of professional work to evaluate different opinions. Therefore, you can’t just say that you want others to value your opinions. They will assign value to your opinions based on their expertise. If you want them to value your opinions, you need to ensure that your opinions are valuable. Here are some suggestions for increasing the value that others will assign to your opinions:

2. Research and Learning:

Keeping abreast of new information and continuously learning can greatly enhance the credibility of your opinions. View Enhancing Opinions through Research and Learning

3. Analytical Thinking:

Being able to dissect issues logically and provide well-thought-out viewpoints is essential. View Harnessing Analytical Skills

4. Open Reflection:

It’s important to consider and address opposing views when formulating your opinions. This includes being receptive to others’ views as well as learning to respectfully respond to areas of disagreement. View Valuing Opinions through Open Reflection & Curiousity

5. Confidence in Your Opinions:

Once you have a strong basis for your opinions, expressing them with confidence will help to get others’ attention and get them to appreciate the thoughtfulness of the opinions, even if they don’t necessarily agree with everything. View Confidence in Opinions

6. Influencing Others:

Confidence in your thoughtful views is great but learning persuasive skills is even better. View Mastering the Art of Influencing

7. Respectful Candor:

If you want people to respect your views, you need to learn the skills of being simultaneously truthful and respectful. This enables you work through disagreements or conflicts of interest in a way that builds relationships. View Mastering Respectful Candor

8. Realistic Optimism:

Balancing a positive outlook with practical realism can make your opinions more palatable and actionable. Being overly skeptical or blindly optimistic will discredit your opinions. View Harnessing the Power of Realistic Optimism

Having your opinions valued is not just about having your voice heard. It’s about making a meaningful and constructive contribution to your workplace discussions.

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